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Writer's pictureKaveshan Naidoo

Plyometric Power: Unlocking Explosive Strength and Muscle Growth

As a strength athlete or bodybuilder, you're always on the lookout for training methods that can take your gains to the next level. While heavy lifting and traditional resistance training form the foundation of most hypertrophy programs, there's another tool that deserves a place in your arsenal: plyometric training.

Plyometrics, also known as jump training, involves rapid, powerful movements that utilize the stretch-shortening cycle of muscles. Think box jumps, depth jumps, and other explosive bodyweight exercises. While primarily associated with athletes looking to boost speed and power, emerging research suggests plyometrics can also drive muscle growth and strength gains when properly programmed.

The Science Behind the Bounce

At its core, plyometric training aims to improve the ability of muscles to produce maximal force in minimal time. This is achieved through exercises that rapidly stretch a muscle (eccentric phase) before an immediate powerful contraction (concentric phase).

A meta-analysis by Sáez-Sáez de Villarreal et al. found that plyometric training produced significant improvements in maximal strength performance across multiple studies [71]. The researchers noted that plyometrics appeared to enhance both the structural and neural factors that contribute to force production.

Interestingly, a study by Kubo et al. discovered that plyometric training increased tendon elasticity and stretch-shortening cycle efficiency to a greater degree than traditional weight training [35]. This improved tendon function allows for enhanced power output and force transfer - key factors for athletic performance and muscle development.

Muscle Growth Mechanisms

While the strength and power benefits of plyometrics are well-established, emerging evidence suggests this training style can also drive muscle hypertrophy through several mechanisms:

1. Mechanical Tension: The rapid eccentric loading in plyometric exercises creates high levels of mechanical tension on muscle fibers - a primary driver of hypertrophy [1].

2. Muscle Damage: The intense nature of plyometrics can cause beneficial micro-damage to muscle tissue, stimulating repair and growth processes [1].

3. Metabolic Stress: High-volume plyometric training produces significant metabolic stress and cellular swelling, another pathway for hypertrophy [1].

4. Fast-Twitch Fiber Activation: Explosive movements preferentially recruit type II muscle fibers, which have the greatest potential for growth [35].

A study by Veligekas et al. found that both plyometric training and traditional resistance training produced similar increases in quadriceps muscle thickness after 6 weeks [85]. This suggests plyometrics can be an effective hypertrophy tool when programmed properly.

Performance Boosts Beyond Size

In addition to potential muscle growth, plyometric training offers a host of performance benefits that can indirectly support your strength and physique goals:

1. Increased Rate of Force Development: Multiple studies have shown plyometrics significantly improve the ability to produce force quickly - a key factor in maximal strength expression [71, 35].

2. Enhanced Jumping Ability: A meta-analysis by Stojanović et al. found plyometric training improved vertical jump height by an average of 7-10% in trained athletes [18].

3. Faster Sprint Times: Research by Ramírez-Campillo et al. demonstrated plyometric training improved 20m sprint times in young soccer players [64].

4. Better Change of Direction Speed: A systematic review by Asadi et al. concluded plyometrics were highly effective for improving agility and change of direction ability [69].

These performance enhancements can translate to more effective strength training, allowing you to handle heavier loads and generate more power during lifts.

Implementing Plyometrics for Hypertrophy

To reap the muscle-building benefits of plyometrics, consider the following guidelines:

1. Frequency: 1-2 sessions per week, ideally separated from heavy strength training by 48-72 hours [51].

2. Volume: Start with 80-100 foot contacts per session, progressing to 120-140 as conditioning improves [51].

3. Intensity: Focus on quality over quantity. Aim for maximal effort on each repetition with full recovery between sets.

4. Exercise Selection: Include a mix of lower body (e.g. box jumps, depth jumps) and upper body (e.g. medicine ball throws, plyometric push-ups) movements.

5. Periodization: Incorporate 4-6 week blocks of plyometric emphasis, followed by periods of reduced volume to prevent overtraining.

Sample Plyometric Hypertrophy Session:

1. Box Jumps: 4 x 5 reps

2. Depth Jumps: 3 x 6 reps

3. Alternating Split Squat Jumps: 3 x 8 reps per leg

4. Clap Push-Ups: 3 x 6-8 reps

5. Medicine Ball Slams: 3 x 10 reps

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets and focus on explosive, powerful movements.


While traditional resistance training remains the cornerstone of muscle hypertrophy, incorporating plyometric work can provide a novel stimulus to drive further gains. The combination of mechanical tension, muscle damage, and improved force production makes plyometrics a valuable tool for any serious lifter looking to maximize their physique and performance.

As with any new training method, start conservatively and progress gradually to avoid injury. When programmed intelligently alongside your regular strength work, plyometrics can help you unleash explosive new growth and take your training to new heights.


1. Grgic, J., Schoenfeld, B. J., & Mikulic, P. (2021). Effects of plyometric vs. resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 10(5), 530-536.

18. Stojanović, E., Ristić, V., McMaster, D. T., & Milanović, Z. (2017). Effect of plyometric training on vertical jump performance in female athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 47(5), 975-986.

35. Kubo, K., Ishigaki, T., & Ikebukuro, T. (2017). Effects of plyometric and isometric training on muscle and tendon stiffness in vivo. Physiological Reports, 5(15), e13374.

51. Ramirez-Campillo, R., Andrade, D. C., & Izquierdo, M. (2013). Effects of plyometric training volume and training surface on explosive strength. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(10), 2714-2722.

64. Ramírez-Campillo, R., Gallardo, F., Henriquez-Olguín, C., Meylan, C. M., Martínez, C., Álvarez, C., ... & Izquierdo, M. (2015). Effect of vertical, horizontal, and combined plyometric training on explosive, balance, and endurance performance of young soccer players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(7), 1784-1795.

69. Asadi, A., Arazi, H., Young, W. B., & Sáez de Villarreal, E. (2016). The effects of plyometric training on change-of-direction ability: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 11(5), 563-573.

71. Sáez-Sáez de Villarreal, E., Requena, B., & Newton, R. U. (2010). Does plyometric training improve strength performance? A meta-analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13(5), 513-522.

85. Veligekas, P., Bogdanis, G. C., Tsoukos, A., Tsolakis, C., & Terzis, G. (2019). Effect of plyometric training on jumping, sprinting and change of direction speed in child female athletes. Sports, 7(5), 116.

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